One-stop destination for all the beauty treatments.

One-stop destination for all the beauty treatments.
With the help of our hardworking staff and colleagues, we continue to provide world-class salon and spa services including eyebrow threading, lashes, brow shaping, eyelash extensions, eyelash tinting, Facial, Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, Anti-age treatment, waxing and many more.
Look beautiful! Feel beautiful !!!
Eyebrow tint, eyelash tint
Facials and skincare treatments: Facial, , Chemical peels, Microdermabrasion infusion, Chemical peels, Anti-aging treatment, Ultrasonic facial....
Eyebrow threading is an ancient method of shaping your eyebrow it is done with the help of thread so that there is no harm to your skin.
Eyelash extensions are used to enhance the length, curliness, fullness, and thickness of natural eyelashes.
Waxing removes unwanted hair completely from its roots and slows hair regrowth.
Eyelash Tint: A special dye is added to have dark, full eyelashes. No need of mascara .
There are lots of ways to change the look of your eyebrows – eyebrow threading, eyelash extensions, eyelash tint tinting,
Master estheticians. Several years of experience in , threading, waxing, and facials and skincare. Always excited to learn new techniques.
Located in Centreville Square shopping center,: a diverse mix of retailers and personal services including Eyebrow threading, barber salon, nail salon, message, day spa etc.
14260 Centreville Square, Centreville, Virginia 20121, United States
Sunday: 11 AM - 6 PM
Monday: 11 AM - 7 PM
Tuesday: 10 AM - 7 PM
Wednesday: 10 AM - 7 PM
Thursday: 10 AM - 7 PM
Friday: : 10 AM - 7 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 7 PM
Eyebrow Threading & Spa
14260A Centreville Square A, Centreville, Virginia 20121, United States
Copyright © 2019 Eyebrow Threading & Spa - All Rights Reserved.
Look beautiful ! Feel beautiful !!!